Author = A Kord Zafaranlu Kambuzia
Weight Pattern of Tri-syllabic Words in Persian: Moraic Theory

Volume 14, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 173-198


Hakimeh Fanoodi; Aliyeh Kord Zafaranlu Kambuziya; Hayat Ameri

Metaphorical conceptualizations based on STANDING and SITTING in the Qur’an language

Volume 4, Issue 7, December 2012, Pages 83-92

SH. Pourebrahim; A. Golfam; F. Agha Golzadeh; A. Kord Zafaranlu Kambuzia

A Study of the KNOWLEDGE Concept in Quran Language: Cognitiv Semantics Framework

Volume 3, Issue 5, December 2011, Pages 19-34

SH. Pourebrahim; A Golfam; F Agha Golzade; A Kord Zafaranlu Kambuzia