Guide for Authors

General guidelines

Articles submitted to Pazhueshhaye Zabanshenasi (Journal of Researches in Linguistics) should represent outstanding scholarship and make original contributions to the linguistics field. It will be assumed that an article submitted for their consideration has not previously been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in the submitted form or in a modified version. Articles must be written in English. Manuscripts accepted for publication should contain 6000-8000 words, and the abstract should be no longer than 300 words.

As a biannual scientific journal, Pazhueshhaye Zabanshenasi (Journal of Researches in Linguistics) accepts papers dealing with all aspects of language (e.g. syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics) focusing on the Persian language and other languages as well as general aspects of language. The researchers may adopt a theoretical, descriptive, experimental, or analytical approaches linguistic investigation.

JRL operates a double-blind peer review process. To facilitate this process, authors are requested to ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are anonymous. Authors' names and institutional affiliations should appear only on a detachable cover sheet.

Manuscripts must be submitted online through the Online Submission Website:
Manuscripts are expected to include an abstract, introduction (including the description of the topic, questions/hypotheses, data collection methods), body (discussions), conclusion, references and indexes.

At the time of submission, the following files should be supplied.
    • Manuscript. This file should be anonymized, and the file name should also preserve your anonymity.
    • Manuscript (Word & PDF). They should be anonymized, and the file name should also preserve your anonymity.
    • Conflict of interest. This file can be downloaded here and you are required to fill out this form.
    • Publishing Agreement: This file can be downloaded here and you are required to fill out this form.
    • Authors’ agreement form: An online compliance checklist is supposed to be completed while submitting the manuscript.
For a full instruction click here, Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions please visit the online submission website. You need to register initially with a username and password at:
If your article contains extracts from other works, especially Figures, Tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, research participants should have signed a consent form.
All contributors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to sign a copyright assignment form, and to confirm that their article is original, accurate (inasmuch as can be ascertained in research) and does not include any libellous statements.
Please supply information about funding and grant-awarding, if there is any, in Acknowledgments just before references.
The manuscript should be provided both in docx and pdf. 
Book Reviews
The journal publishes reviews of books relevant to the field of Linguistics are normally no longer than 2000 words. If you would like to review a book for Linguistics, please contact the Editor. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted for publication.
Pazhueshhaye Zabanshenasi (Journal of Researches in Linguistics) adheres to (APA) (American Psychological Association) style.
Author's surname followed by comma and initials (and full points), with a word space between two or more initials
Authors' initial comes after first surname, but for books with more than one author the initials come first on second, third, etc. authors
The date of book is in roman, and inside the parenthesis, followed by a full point
Authors with two books in same year should be labelled a and b (immediately after date, no space)
Book titles in italic; main words have initial capitals
The main words in book titles have initial caps, including subtitles
Langacker, R. W. (2008). Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Horn, L. R. and Ward, G. (eds.) (2004). The Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Black Publishing.
Titles of journal articles in Roman with single inverted commas
First word only has initial caps except for names
Full stop before final inverted comma (for journal articles)
If an entry is a paper from an edited collection, put the title in Roman with single inverted commas but no full point after, then 'in'
Journal titles in italic; main words have initial capitals
Check that all details have been included: volume, issue (if available), page numbers. See the examples below for style.
Karimi, S. (1997). Persian complex verbs: Idiomatic or compositional? Lexicology 3(2), 273–318.
Karimi-Doostan, G. (2011). Separability of light verb constructions in Persian. Studia Linguistica 65(1), 70–95
Examples for other references such as book chapter, dissertations and conference proceedings respectively:
Levinson, S. (2004). Deixis. In L. R. Horn and G. Ward (eds.) The Handbook of Pragmatics, 97-121. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Karimi-Doostan, G. (1997)Light verb constructions in PersianPh.D. dissertation, University of Essex.
Charniak, E. (1986). A neat theory of marker passing, Proceedings, AAAI-86, Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 584-8. Philadelphia.
Examples for Persian references (book, article, and conference proceedings respectively):
 Tabib-zade, Omid (2012). Dastur-e Zaban-e Farsi Bar Asas-e Nazariye-ye Goruhha-ye Xod-gardan Dar Dastur-e Vabastegi [Persian Grammar on the Basis of the Theory of Autonomous Phrases in Dependency Grammar]. Tehran: Nashr-e Markaz. [in Persian]
 Dabir-Moghaddam, Mohammad (1984). majhul dar zaban-e farsi [Passive in Persian]. Iranian Journal of Linguistics 2 (1), 31-46. [in Persian]
Vahedi-langrudi, Mohammad-Mehdi .(2000). Barrasi va Moghayese-ye Barkhi Farayandha-ye Vaje-Sazi Dar Hoze-ye Vajegan-e Farsi [A Comparative Study of Some Word-Formation Processes in Persian Lexicon], Proceeding of  the first Seminar of Word-Selecting and Teminology Issues, Iranian Academy of Persian Language and Literature. [in Persian]
If a book is referred to several times, put the full details as a separate entry with just authors and dates elsewhere; however, if it is referred to only once put the full details with the entry for the paper. Please check that all works referred to have their full details somewhere.
Check that all bibliographical refs in the article are in the References, and vice versa. If any entries are incomplete or inconsistent please query straight away-page proof stage is too late.
Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that University of Isfahan Press may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. Please note that we do not retain copies of rejected articles.
Please note that conversational examples should be provided according to conversation analysis conventions.