A typological study of genitive construction in the contemporary Persian

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Mashhad university


In this research, by providing different morpho-syntactic strategies which are used by the speakers of the world's languages to make genitive constructions and determining the grammatical criteria which are considered in this classification, we are going to study the genitive strategies which are used in the contemporary Persian and analyze these strategies according to the mentioned criteria. Then, based on the criteria which determine the dominant strategy, we will specify the dominant strategy for making the genitive constructions in Persian and finally we will determine the linguistic type of the Persian language regarding the dominant strategy which is used by this language for making its genitive constructions. According to the studies done in this research, from two morpho-syntactic strategies, that is affixation and linker, the later strategy, which is called "the more grammaticalized strategy" by Croft (2003), is the dominant strategy in the contemporary Persian. Regarding the dependency criteria, this language is among the languages which are some where in between the concatenational and fused languages and considering the word order of the main constituents of the genitive construction, that is possessor and possessum, Persian belongs to the linguistic type which has the possessum-possessor word order in its genitive construction.


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