Expletives in Persian

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Tehran

2 Razi University of Kermanshah


The present study investigates the existence of expletives in Persian. Rizzi (1982, 1986) suggests that pro-drop languages, by virtue of licensing pro, would have empty non-referential subjects. However, Karimi (2005) takes the violation of Definiteness Effect in Persian as indicating that neither overt nor covert expletives exist in this language. Following Darzi (1996), we present pieces of evidence to show that Persian has overt expletives.  We then present arguments in support of Rizzi's (1982, 1986) hypothesis that pro-drop languages may have covert expletives as well. Finally, we provide cross-linguistic pieces of evidence from Icelandic, Finnish and Portuguese to suggest that being a pro-drop language or violating the Definiteness Effect in a language does not necessarily entail the absence of expletives in that language.


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