A Study of the KNOWLEDGE Concept in Quran Language: Cognitiv Semantics Framework

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam-e Noor University of Arak

2 Tarbiat Modares University


Using Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, this paper studies the abstract and religious concept of KNOWLEDGE in the Holy Quran language The main questions are: In the conceptualization of KNOWLEDGE, what cognitive strategies are involved? How these cognitive strategies interact? And, in the conceptualization process, how the experiential and religious bases are integrated? The study of linguistic metaphors, involving "seeing" and "hearing", shows that Quran has used conceptual metaphors, conceptual metonymy and image schemas. The abstract concept of KNOWLEDGE has been conceptualized through coherent mappings from the concrete, bodily experienced domains of seeing and hearing. The bases of these metaphors and schemas are human experiences of eye and ear; however, the religious content of Quran has influenced the way of mapping from source into target domains.


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