Head- position in Persian from a Diachronic Typology Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


Head-complement parameter has proved to be a controversial issue in Persian. While this language is frequently referred to as an instance of head-final languages, two other opposing views in this regard, namely split-headedness and head-initial, have attracted a number of proponents. Taking these controversies into consideration, this article aims at counting some merits and demerits of each stance. It will also try to bring the debate around some diachronic evidences from the Old and middle Persian in support of the head-initial view. In line with a diachronic typology framework, these thought-provoking clues can pave the way for a cautious conclusion that Persian has seemingly undergone a process of change during its long history and has been moving from a head-final toward a head- initial language.



[1].- این خانواده شامل تعدادی از زبان‌های رایج در آسیای شرقی و جنوب شرقی از جمله زبان‌هایی مانند خمر (Khemer)، ویتنامی (Vietnamese)، پالانگ (Palaung) و مون (Mon) می‌باشد.


2- توجه به این موضوع و ایجاد انگیزه برای بررسی آن را مدیون استاد ارجمند جناب آقای دکتر طیب هستم که لازم است در اینجا از ایشان تشکر نمایم.

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