Finiteness and Empty Category in Persian Obligatory Control Construction

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


The aim of this study is to determine the type of empty category in Persian obligatory control construction with subjunctive complement. Regarding this subject, three hypotheses are proposed. Based on the first hypothesis, subjunctives in control environments are nonfinite because they involve a defective T, and null subject is PRO. The second hypothesis maintains the finiteness of the subjunctive and assumes that obligatory control can be established with pro. The third hypothesis maintains both the finiteness of the subjunctive and the strict association between control and PRO. In this article, providing some evidences, we show subjunctive complements are finite and reject the first hypothesis. Then it is shown that in contrast with the second hypothesis, null subject is different from pro. Consequently supporting the third approach, null subject is treated as PRO allowing local control, sloppy and De-se reading.


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