Setting up a model for translation quality assessment and describing two types of feedback in translation classes

Document Type : Research Paper


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


One of the most important points in teaching translation is teachers' feedbacks on students' translations. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: to describe two main types of feedback in translation classes: i.e. simple and elaborative; and to set- up a model for translation quality assessment on the basis of translation errors which were observed in the translation classes. In our view, if translation teachers are acquainted with translation errors, they can teach translating better. To this end, ten translation classes were observed to study teachers' feedbacks on students' translations as well as their translational errors. Our participants were 300 BA English translation and English literature students and seven teachers in ten different translation classes from Khayyam, Emam Reza and Ferdowsi universities. The results were classified and analyzed. Finally, suggestions are made for the enhancement of teaching translation.


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