The prospect of teaching persian to non-Iranians from the viewpoint of syllabus design

Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba'i University


Experience has shown that ignoring the syllabus and its design would mean a lack of serious attention to the content, learning and behavioral objectives, and the teaching and evaluation method of the language acquisition program. This article aims to remind the Persian experts of the importance of syllabus/ curriculum in the perspective of Teaching Persian to Non-Iranians. One of the most important characteristics for a textbook suitable for language teaching is to have a linguistic theory and a learning theory, and to pay attention to language learner differences, and their goals and needs. The question in this article is "how closely the process of developing Persian language textbooks follows the methodology of syllabus design"? For this purpose, the first section, theoretical foundations, displays the difference between teaching methodology and syllabus design, and describes syllabuses based on linguistic theories. Then, the evolutional route of the syllabuses is explained, and their dominant tendencies are determined. Finally, the method of representation of this evolutional route in the textbooks for teaching Persian to Non-Iranians is discussed. In the final section of the article, while itemizing the effective factors in designing proper syllabuses, some practical suggestions are made for organizing the process of developing teaching Persian to non-Iranians resources.


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