Exploring the Potential Contributions of Cultural Linguistics to Translation Studies: Bridging Concepts and Contexts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 English Department, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Englishes Seminar, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


This paper attempts to demonstrate the prospective contributions that Cultural Linguistics (CL) can offer to the field of Translation Studies (TS). The main objective is to show the common grounds between the two disciplines and the potential capacity CL approach and methodology, in theory, has in enriching TS. First, it sets the stage by introducing the status quo of CL’s relatively novel interdisciplinary burgeoning field and establishing its significance and its current trends, broad applications, and wide-ranging implications in language-oriented studies. It is followed by a concise overview of the principles and practices of the theoretical and analytical frameworks of the CL approach. Next, a critical state-of-the-art account of translation and its expanded definition in the (post)digital revolution era is provided. Bridging the relevant concepts and contexts, we then explore the possible applications of CL’s theoretical and analytical frameworks to TS, identifying the areas where the interplay between the two disciplines is most likely fruitful for TS. These domains encompass –but certainly are not limited to— the following areas: Translation Pedagogy, Postcolonial Translation, Corpus-based TS, Media/News Translation, Multimodal Translation, and Sociological-oriented TS. As for future directions in such an interdisciplinary venture, key trends which may arise in the dynamic interplay between TS and CL include Gender-oriented TS and Translational Activism, AI-informed TS, Cognitive and Ethnographic Approaches to TS, translating tourism, and Translation and Ideology.
